Shallow Bowl, 2019, stoneware, 3x13"
Ochre Urn, 2019, stoneware, 13x7"
Owl Urn, 2019, stoneware, 12x7"
Temple Urn, 2019, stoneware, 12x6"
Stipple Blue Vase, 2019, stoneware, 9x7"
Open Drum, 2019, stoneware, 6.5x10x5.5"
Toasted Sienna Drum with Lid, 2019, stoneware, 8x9.5"
Closed Chrysanthemum Drum, 2019, stoneware, 5x9"
Closed Mottled Blue Drum, 2019, stoneware, 5x8"
Striate Trunk with Lid, 2019, stoneware, 6x7.5"
Slab Repository, 2019, stoneware, 15x7x4"
Torah Brick, 2019, stoneware, 6x9x2"
Crypt Brick, 2019, stoneware, 5.5x8x3"
Arizona Punch, 2019, crushed aluminum, 27x18"
Blue Ribbon Run, 2019, crushed aluminum, 21x17"
This Bud’s for You, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17.5x9"
Adirondack Light, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17x9"
Krone, 2019, crushed aluminum, 13x9"
8 Days a Week, 2019, crushed aluminum, 14.5x10"
Aliquippa Brisk, 2019, crushed aluminum, 20x11"
Crossing Caution, 2019, crushed aluminum, 16x17"
Monster Mash, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17x22"
Street Brawl, 2019, crushed aluminum, 31x21"
Hero Badge, 2019, crushed aluminum, 18x11"
Shallow Bowl, 2019, stoneware, 3x13"
Shallow Bowl, 2019, stoneware, 3x13"
Ochre Urn, 2019, stoneware, 13x7"
Ochre Urn, 2019, stoneware, 13x7"
Owl Urn, 2019, stoneware, 12x7"
Owl Urn, 2019, stoneware, 12x7"
Temple Urn, 2019, stoneware, 12x6"
Temple Urn, 2019, stoneware, 12x6"
Stipple Blue Vase, 2019, stoneware, 9x7"
Stipple Blue Vase, 2019, stoneware, 9x7"
Open Drum, 2019, stoneware, 6.5x10x5.5"
Open Drum, 2019, stoneware, 6.5x10x5.5"
Toasted Sienna Drum with Lid, 2019, stoneware, 8x9.5"
Toasted Sienna Drum with Lid, 2019, stoneware, 8x9.5"
Closed Chrysanthemum Drum, 2019, stoneware, 5x9"
Closed Chrysanthemum Drum, 2019, stoneware, 5x9"
Closed Mottled Blue Drum, 2019, stoneware, 5x8"
Closed Mottled Blue Drum, 2019, stoneware, 5x8"
Striate Trunk with Lid, 2019, stoneware, 6x7.5"
Striate Trunk with Lid, 2019, stoneware, 6x7.5"
Slab Repository, 2019, stoneware, 15x7x4"
Slab Repository, 2019, stoneware, 15x7x4"
Torah Brick, 2019, stoneware, 6x9x2"
Torah Brick, 2019, stoneware, 6x9x2"
Crypt Brick, 2019, stoneware, 5.5x8x3"
Crypt Brick, 2019, stoneware, 5.5x8x3"
Arizona Punch, 2019, crushed aluminum, 27x18"
Arizona Punch, 2019, crushed aluminum, 27x18"
Blue Ribbon Run, 2019, crushed aluminum, 21x17"
Blue Ribbon Run, 2019, crushed aluminum, 21x17"
This Bud’s for You, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17.5x9"
This Bud’s for You, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17.5x9"
Adirondack Light, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17x9"
Adirondack Light, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17x9"
Krone, 2019, crushed aluminum, 13x9"
Krone, 2019, crushed aluminum, 13x9"
8 Days a Week, 2019, crushed aluminum, 14.5x10"
8 Days a Week, 2019, crushed aluminum, 14.5x10"
Aliquippa Brisk, 2019, crushed aluminum, 20x11"
Aliquippa Brisk, 2019, crushed aluminum, 20x11"
Crossing Caution, 2019, crushed aluminum, 16x17"
Crossing Caution, 2019, crushed aluminum, 16x17"
Monster Mash, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17x22"
Monster Mash, 2019, crushed aluminum, 17x22"
Street Brawl, 2019, crushed aluminum, 31x21"
Street Brawl, 2019, crushed aluminum, 31x21"
Hero Badge, 2019, crushed aluminum, 18x11"
Hero Badge, 2019, crushed aluminum, 18x11"